Versatile UV, Green and IR Picosecond Lasers: The New Standard for Picosecond Micromachining

IceFyre® redefines picosecond micromachining lasers with a patent-pending design to achieve exceptional performance and unprecedented versatility at industry leading cost-performance. Based on Spectra-Physics’ It’s in the Box™ design, IceFyre integrates laser and controller into the industry’s smallest package.
Exceptional Performance and Unprecedented Versatility
The new IceFyre UV50 is the highest performing UV ps laser on the market, providing >50 W of UV output power at 1.25 MHz (>40 μJ) with 100’s μJ pulse energies in burst mode, and pulse widths of 10 ps. The IceFyre UV50 sets new standards in power and repetition rates from single shot to 10 MHz. The IceFyre UV30 offers >30 W of typical UV output power with pulse energy >60 µJ (greater pulse energies in burst mode) and delivers exceptional performance from single shot to 10 MHz. The IceFyre GR50 delivers >50 W of green output power at pulse energy >100 µJ at 500 kHz. The IceFyre IR50 outputs >50 W of IR power at 400 kHz single pulse and delivers exceptional performance from single shot to 10 MHz.The IceFyre laser’s unique design exploits fiber laser flexibility and Spectra-Physics’ exclusive power amplifier capability to enable TimeShift™ ps programmable burst-mode technology for the highest versatility and performance in the industry. A standard set of waveforms is provided with each laser; an optional TimeShift ps GUI is available for creating custom waveforms. The laser design enables true pulse-on-demand (POD) and position-synchronized output (PSO) triggering with the lowest timing jitter in its class for high-quality processing at high scan speeds, e.g. when using a polygon scanner.
24/7 Industrial Reliability
Building on MKS’ deep experience and technology, the patent-pending IceFyre FS lasers pass extensive environmental qualification testing to ensure high reliability and a low cost-of-ownership. Fully automated and computer controlled, the laser exhibits exceptional stability in power, beam parameters, and beam pointing during 24/7 operation to deliver high precision and reproducibility for demanding applications.