Fixed Wavelength Femtosecond Lasers Ultracompact, Air-cooled

The HighQ-2™ is an ultracompact, air-cooled, turn-key, fixed wavelength femtosecond laser. It features high peak power and ideal, highly focusable Gaussian spatial beam profile, making it the perfect laser source for fixed wavelength multiphoton imaging in vivo, micro- and nano-structuring, micro- and nano-surgery, and microdissection applications.
24/7 Operation
Designed as a reliable OEM laser for 24/7 operation, the HighQ-2 laser combines true turn-key operation and fast cold start turn-on, ensuring quick installation and easy operation. HighQ-2 is equipped with long life diodes, a sealed optical cavity design and is manufactured in a controlled, cleanroom environment. The result is a highly dependable laser with long lifetime, high uptime and low cost of ownership.