800G BERT Production Tester for Pluggables|
QSFP-DD, OSFP MSA Compliant Interfaces |
CMIS 3.0/4.0 | SITOL | IEEE802.3ck Stress
The ML4054E is a fully featured 800G BERT with an integrated module interface, ideal for product development and validation, plug-and-play characterization and production testing of QSFPDD, and OSFP transceivers. This instrument is equipped with a fieldreplaceable, MSA-compliant adapter making it ideal for production and volume testing.
Two versions of the ML4054E are available. The regular with cables optimized for thermal stream testing and full features and the Lite version – like the regular, but with limited features. Additionally, the user can individually control each Tx level, equalization, eye balance, pattern, coding, and inject error sequences into the stream.
The receiver features CTLE and FFE equalization for up to 14 dB of loss at Nyquist along with advanced troubleshooting capabilities. The ML4054E is specifically designed to add jitter and crosstalk noise (interference). This capability is uniquely fully integrated into the BERT and does not require any external equipment. In addition, full CMIS control and compliance testing is enabled in this versatile BERT.