National Instruments
PXI Sound and Vibration Module
Platform: PXI
Bus: PXI, PXI Express

Provides dynamic signal generation and acquisition in sound and vibration applications for PXI systems.
The PXI Sound and Vibration Module is designed specifically for applications like audio test and measurement, noise and vibration diagnostics, machine condition monitoring, automotive test, noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis, and laboratory research. The module provides software-configurable AC/DC coupling, antialiasing filters, and IEPE conditioning to ensure precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers with large dynamic ranges.The PXI Sound and Vibration Module includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplify configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments as well as Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.