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Test the performance and scalability of your app-aware solutions.

Get a reality check on performance, scalability, and security

Modern app- and content-aware infrastructures promise innumerable benefits. Network architectures such as SD-WAN, SASE, and others can dramatically accelerate performance, network availability, and security while simplifying the management of policies across the entire landscape.

All of these capabilities can give your business the ability to seamlessly scale on demand, protect devices at the edge, and more — if you have accurate, reliable testing and validation.

However, traditional testing methods continue to fall short. DevOps, QA, and IT teams still struggle to keep pace with testing as the sheer volume of applications and infrastructure permutations continues to grow on an upward spiral.

CyberFlood provides a stunningly simple and effective solution.

CyberFlood lets users quickly test and validate performance and scalability on any modern app-ware devices and solutions. CyberFlood lets you stress-test your network devices using the latest applications (updated continuously) and push performance and scalability to the limit—so you can see what’s working and what could be improved. With the optionally licensed security testing solution, you can also validate security efficacy of today’s modern security devices and counter measures.

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