

4-channel, 35 GHz bandwidth digital sampling oscilloscope cassette

The AT4025 is a fully featured, cost effective four channels equivalent time sampling oscilloscope with an analog bandwidth of 35 GHz. The memory depth is 256 MSamples. Samples are 16- bit.
The AT4025 family of DSOs is truly powerful, boasting an extensive set of features and functions that are unique in the industry. These include:
Up to 100 MHz sampling rate
Less than 5 seconds TDECQ on a SSPRQ pattern
Fast pattern capture and DSP thanks to an FPGA-based architecture
An extensive library of built-in DSP filters such as Bessel-Thomson, CTLE, DFE, FFE, deembedding and component emulation, all available free of charge in the standard GUI.
User-writable calibration constants
Can be calibrated up to the DUT to include losses of test fixtures and cables
Built-in standard masks library
A complete set of APIs and multiple SmarTest sample code to speed up integration