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High-Speed Solution

V93000 HSIO

32 bidirectional differential Lane Count | BERT and DSO, Source/Measure up to 112 Gbps | NRZ and PAM4 | AWG with 96Gsa/s Fs | SmarTest API’s | V93000 production ready| Loadboard accessories

Utility Box


Free standing unit with Power and Air regulation and Ethernet Hub

4-lane, 56 Gbps (28 GBaud) BERT cassette


4 x 28 Gbd NRZ/PAM-4 BERT | SSPRQ, PRBS13Q, PRBS13Q TX | FEC Estimation KR4/KP4 | SER & MSB/LSB BER | TX and RX Equalizers | Signal SNR and Histogram | ISI Channel Emulator

4-channel, 35 GHz bandwidth digital sampling oscilloscope cassette


Supports 400GAUI PAM4 Transmitter qualification | High throughput | High sensitivity | Cost effective | SMPM blind-mate RF interface

Diagnostic Kit


To debug failing channels on MultiLane AT93000 ATE instruments

4-lane, 64 GBaud AWG & BERT cassette


4-Channel Differential Arbitrary Waveform Generator with 1-64 GBd selectable Baud Rate and User Defined Modulation | 2 Dual-Channel (I/Q) Differential Pulse Pattern Generators with 25-64 GBd selectable Baud Rate | NRZ/PAM4 Modulation | Independent 7-tap FFE on each transmitter

4-lane, 112 Gbps (56 GBaud) BERT cassette


4 x 56 GBd NRZ/PAM-4 BERT | SSPRQ, PRBS13Q & PRBS31Q | TX and RX Equalizers | Signal SNR and histogram

8-lane, 30 GBaud BERT cassette, NRZ/PAM4


8 x 28GBd Differential Error Detectors with CDR | 8 Differential Pulse Pattern Generators | PRBS31Q, SSPRQ & Custom Pattern |Adaptive FFE on receivers |Pre- and Post-Emphasis on TX

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